
LittleBigPlanet updates with new tentative release date

From Crackle: LittleBigPlanet at CES

We all know homebrew gaming is coming to the PS3, most notably through Media Molecule's own LittleBigPlanet. We've come to learn the game is slated for a September release for now, but what else is new with the game? We've got some cute information for you to digest. Unless, of course, you don't like fluff.

The emotions for your characters, called Sackboys (Sackpeople if you want to be PC about it), are controlled with the D-pad and seem to have a wider array than previously noted. Facial contortions indicate the style of body gestures your character will do. Kind of neat. You can move into and out of the background now -- no more left-to-right only limitations. You can leave little items in the levels, too, like a leaf texture or something, to add to your personal inventory. The currency in the game was once Sponge, but now called Fluff -- it looks like marshmallows in a variety of colors.

How about creating your own levels? It's pretty tough to imagine something when you're greeted by a giant white screen. No worries -- the game will come with several pre-rendered levels like a desert scene that will give you a better place to start. Parental controls and a user-created level rating system to control R-rated content is in the works. When we hear more, we'll let you know, but it's shaping up to be something special.