
This Wednesday: Omega Five, Tron get digitized, sucked into Xbox Live

We already knew about Omega Five (you did read that post, didn't you?) so we're not going to waste your time going through all the gory details. It's 800 points, it's an action game, we liked it. No, we're going to skip right to the retro release this week: Tron, a 400-point HD sprucing of the old arcade favorite.

Not only will you experience the visceral thrill of speeding around in light cycles and killing a dude with a dinner plate, you're also going to be able to do it 2-player, an option not available on the arcade original. If we have one quibble, it's that Discs of Tron (also in development for XBLA) isn't included in the package. Are the two really worth splitting up?

