
VC Monday Madness video wrap-up 1/7/08

Well now, if it isn't the first video wrap-up of the new year! Rock! And, we're glad to be kicking off another year of gaming with two quality titles in StarTropics and King of Fighters '94. So, without further delay, hit up the video above and head past the break for some more.

Oh, and sorry for sounding kind of prepubescent. I have no idea why my voice was so high there ...

The King of Fighters '94 (NeoGeo, 1 - 2 players, 900 Wii Points)
Wii Fanboy says: download it!

Having more experience with the later games in the franchise (most notably, my favorite entry in the series, Dream Match), I'm still somewhat capable at picking up and playing this game. It's a solid 2D fighter that is either going to be downloaded out of nostalgia or curiosity. Either way, it needs to be downloaded. It's a truly wonderful game.

Star Tropics
(NES, 1 player, 500 Wii Points)
Wii Fanboy says: download it!

Alisha should probably be sitting here and writing this portion of my feature up. But, hey, I'll soldier on. It's a unique and charming RPG, with some very engaging dungeon-crawling aspects tossed in. From the very little portion of the game I've seen, I know I want to get into it and play it through. So, download it already.

That concludes our look at this week's Virtual Console games. As always, if you have any tips or rumors regarding Nintendo's Virtual Console service, be sure to let us know and come back next week when we take a look at the latest titles available on the Nintendo Wii.