
Codies suit doubts Wii sustainability, expects Wii 2 'pretty quickly'

Y'all may recall a rant from Dave Perry last year, in which Earthworm Jim's dad predicted that the Wii would lack staying power, due to its shortage of technical grunt. Well, Codemasters CEO Rob Cousens is clearly singing from a similar hymn sheet, because he's made pretty much the same prediction in an interview with GameDaily.

Warning that people would write Sony and Microsoft off "at their peril," Cousens claimed that Wii 2 would have to come along "pretty quickly" if Nintendo wanted to keep the Wii dream going for a full ten years. In short, he reckons the hordes of new gamers that have propelled the Wii to success may grow tired of the console before long.

"I could give you an argument that says there's going to be a Wii 2 pretty quickly because [Nintendo would need one] in order to sustain momentum over a 10-year period," claimed Cousens. "And what type of software would it have then? Because right now it isn't driven by technological supremacy or power.

"I wonder if the idea of opening up a whole new audience to 60-year-olds looking to make sure their brain cells don't die off is a sustainable form of entertainment," he added. "Maybe they got it right because we are all an aging population in Western markets, but I somehow think as a form of entertainment that won't be the case."

It's a little early in the console cycle to decide whether he has a point, but Cousens' argument also sounds as though it's based on a personal hunch, rather than any compelling evidence. But who knows, maybe we're all going to be horribly wrong when it comes to guessing the eventual victor from this bloody battle.