
Philip Rosedale speaks on 2007 and happy customers

Philip Rosedale has taken this lull in Second Life grid operations to post an update - partly as thanks for the award. It's nice to hear from The Old Man, of course, but there's nothing much new from previous messages.

2007 had growth - roughly the same statistics are put forward (hey, we're all looking forward to the December 2007 key metrics, actually), and challenges. 2007 had considerably more growth than 2006. Also the now-familiar, 'most business use of the platform is internal, not marketing'.

"We will focus intensely in 2008 on continuing to make SL more stable. We will keep opening the SL platform up to residents, developers, entrepreneurs, and partners. We will shift from our historical focus on relentless feature innovation to put making and keeping happy customers first on our list of priorities." (Rosedale's emphasis)