
Pirates of the Burning Sea giveaway

The MMO Gamer is holding an SEO-sponsored contest: translate a phrase from a movie into pirate-speak and win one of four Pirates of the Burning Sea pre-order packs, which include a pre-boarding party key, a landing party key, and the game's soundtrack. The contest deadline is Friday the 11th, though, so go to the site, comment your entry, and wait.

Here's my example of a translation: "Avast! Me name is Inigo Montoya. You keelhauled me pappy; prepare to walk the plank!" Except yours should be, you know, more clever. The only caveat is that you can't use lines from the Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Nor, I should think, any other pirate movie. What would be the point? Good luck, ye scurvy dogs!

[Thanks, Lisa!]