
Vague FFXIII information reveals use of split screen

A recent report from the British magazine, PlayStation World, dropped a few interesting hints for us to mess around with and speculate and make a sandwich. Sorry in advance -- no new images. We usually try to stay away from spoiling story elements, but in the world of FFXIII we've come to understand that the rebellion against the Cocoon is led by Lightning, the only character we've heard of so far.

The other person we've seen, but haven't been introduced to, is the guy with the blond hair who looks like a mix between Seifer and Cloud (seen in the last new trailer). He has unclear motives for us, the player. We're not told if he's on Lightning's side or not for a long time -- so perhaps he's a villain instead of an ally. Who knows?

An aspect of the game we haven't heard about previously is a type of "split-screen" that shows different characters in different places at the same time. Speculation is that the split-screen function is for cut-scenes, but we think it'll play a slightly more prevalent role. We have no idea what -- it's just our speculation. What think you, masses?