
Goodbye CES, hello Macworld

Our CES coverage is winding down and we're dribble out the last of our stories from the biggest consumer tech trade show of the year, which must mean it's time to get ready for Macworld Expo. It all goes down next week, so mark your calendars and warm up that F5 / Cmd+R key.

Where you need to be:
Live Steve Jobs Macworld keynote
All Macworld 2008 coverage [RSS]

What time to post the GO AWAY note on your door on Tuesday, the 15th:
07:00AM - Hawaii
09:00AM - Pacific
10:00AM - Mountain
11:00AM - Central
12:00PM - Eastern
05:00PM - GMT / London
06:00PM - Paris
02:00AM - Tokyo (January 16th)

Leave more time zones in comments!