
Professor Kageyama's Maths Training uses a familiar formula

You'll all be familiar with Dr. Kawashima by now, right? Angular, disembodied head, constructed entirely from polygons? Can't miss him. Oh, hai Dr. Kawashima!

Anyway, the video above introduces us to his arch-rival in the rapidly expanding world of Nintendo non-games. Round of face and blue of hair, math genius Dr. Kageyama may look like a slightly different proposition to Dr. Kawashima, but his reassuring words and friendly tone makes one think of the Brain Training doc, and that in turn makes us want to relearn all of that long division we forgot in our late teens. Or until we get bored of doing so after, like, three minutes. Math ain't our thang, see. We am writers.

Any of you European folk plan to get your math on when Professor Kageyama's Maths Training launches next month?

[Via Go Nintendo]