
BARF! OFLC approves River City Ransom for VC

As much as we value and admire the Virtual Console, we've always found it to be lacking in the area of River City Ransom. Our hopes that this oversight would be corrected were briefly raised in October, when the game appeared on the Virtual Console in Japan (where it is known as Downtown Nekketsu Story), but since then little has been heard about any Generic Dudes making the trip to English-speaking parts of the world.

So imagine our excitement this morning, after learning how Australian regulatory body the OFLC has approved the release of Street Gangs (River City Ransom's inferior PAL title, with matching inferior PAL boxart) and Adventures of Lolo 2 on the Aussie Virtual Console. Which, as we know from history, usually leads to a release on other Virtual Consoles.

If we fail to write any more posts for the rest of today, now you know why: it's because we're too busy running around with our jumpers pulled over our heads in fits of celebration.

[Via Go Nintendo]