
E3's Game Critics Awards do the Game of the Year thing

"Another GOTY award?" you say. Sure, but this one is different. Sort of. Tired of being relegated to the confines of E3 every year, the folks behind that event's Game Critics Awards have tasked themselves with determining not just the games of E3, but the best games of the year! Using a weighted process (not unlike the one used for Joystiq's totally definitive Game of the Year awards), the panel of 36 judges picked their top 10 choices and, using the magic of mathematics, whittled those choices into a list of ten games.

The list is being trickled out all week, starting with today's numbers ten and nine: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Assassin's Creed, for being "one of the most memorable games you can play" and being "one of the most unique gaming experiences of this, or any other year" respectively. Of course, we're all wondering just how closely the winners will match up to their E3 showings and, knowing that a win in one doesn't guarantee a place in the other, wondering if we'll look at future GCA winners differently. Let's see where Rock Band and Mass Effect wind up first, okay?