
Rubber chocobo, you're the one

As a parent-to-be (in less than a month!) and a dedicated gamer, this blogger is often faced with a dark dilemma. How to subtly work in gaming influences on the spawnling without pushing a love for things like sprites, whips, and black mages too hard? Trust Square Enix to find a way to make that a little bit easier with this completely adorable rubber ducky that is not, in fact, a duck at all -- but rather, a chocobo. Not just any old chocobo, either, but a fat little baby chocobo that is just perfect for fat little baby hands.

The chocobos, which release in April, are a little costly for a bath toy at $13.50 apiece, but it may be worth the premium to snag the perfect tub companion. You can bet there's going to be one in this house.