
More Palm Treo 800w specs leak out, no change in ugliness

For the handful of you left still getting stoked on Palm news, here's some interesting tidbits. The folks over at WMExperts have gotten some "possible" specifications of the Sprint-bound Treo 800w (or as we like to call it, the Gatesnote Palm) and are sharing them with the world. According to the sources, the new Windows Mobile 6-based Palm phone will be Centro-thin, trade the old proprietary HotSync connector for a mini-USB jack, has a dedicated hardware switch for turning WiFi on and off, will sport EV-DO Rev. A, Bluetooth 2.0, as well as 802.11g, and utilizes microSD cards in addition to its 256MB of memory. The article also says that the 2-megapixel camera takes "decent" pictures, and there is an additional 128MB of memory for "something else." More shocking (and possibly stupid) is that Palm has removed the headphone jack altogether, and users must employ some type of miniUSB contraption or go Bluetooth. Ed, if this is one of those breakthrough devices you mentioned, color us unimpressed.

[Via Treonauts]