
And then there were screens

When Agatha Christie's novel And Then There Were None was first adapted into an adventure game for the PC, reactions were all over the place. Some people hated the look, criticizing everything, whereas others found the environments detailed and suitable to the story and setting, while admitting the character models could use some work. Some loved the gameplay, puzzles, and voice acting, and others criticized those same elements. Reviews on Metacritic swing from 90 down to an embarrassing 31, and the user ratings vary even more wildly. However, one thing that was generally lauded was the immersive story, and that should be complete when the game hits the Wii next month, along with all-new motion controls for the port.

This blogger actually recently picked up the book after many recommendations, and must admit a small amount of interest in the budget title based on being about a third of the way into the novel. It seems like the sort of thing that might interest the wider Wii audience, certainly, but if the reaction is similar to the one the PC game garnered, there's no telling whether or not this game will disappear immediately. Until then, however, we'll just have to check out the screens, which we've got in the gallery below.
