
West Karana on roleplaying in the World of Warcraft

For those of you longing for days past in your roleplaying adventures --or if you're just curious about what all this roleplaying stuff is about -- West Karana has a great post up about some past experiences on the Kirin Tor server. We're especially entertained by the story of a high-level troll who traveled into Alliance areas and let mass amounts of lowbies battle her down slowly but surely while putting up a valiant fight. Another intriguing character was a gnome who started a guild called, "Snacks for the Horde" a guild with a mission to bring peace to Azeroth by bringing lots of food to the Horde.

It's stuff like this that make massively games so very interesting -- people in the communities who sometimes stop grinding and go looking for their own brand of fun. We certainly love it when people go out of their way to bring a bit more to their world of choice, whether it be through webcomics, machinima or straight-up roleplaying.