
EA unveils new arcade boxer, FaceBreaker

Electronic Arts has announced a new boxing title from EA Canada, one of the teams behind Fight Night Round 3. Entitled FaceBreaker, the game ditches the hyper-realistic pugilism, opting instead for cartoon graphics in the vein of older arcade boxers like Ready 2 Rumble and Punch-Out. The game derives its name from the ability for players to actually break the faces of their avatars using "real-time facial deformation." And it won't just be the faces of the game's pre-made characters like Molotov, "the oversized Russian demolitions expert with a penchant for fighting dirty" either. Players will also be able to slap their own face onto a boxer using a photograph, the Vision Camera, and EA's Game Face technology. More info regarding the game will be available in the next issue of EGM.

[Via Joystiq]