
Gears of War 2 graces GamePro's cover

Oh, Gears of War 2, how we yearn for news about thee. Your presence has been long awaited, we've reserved a seat for you at the dinner table every night, but you still refuse to make your existence known. So, when we heard news that GamePro magazine was proudly showcasing your GoW2 name across its cover, we couldn't help but get tickled from within'. We thought, would GamePro be your tool for revealing yourself? Was this magazine our vessel for learning everything about you? Would you, GoW2, finally accept our dinner invite after your GamePro debut? Then, suddenly, we realized that GamePro's GoW2 teasing is probably nothing more than that ... speculative teasing.

An announcement as large as yours is guaranteed to be a cover story (sorry RSV2), not a little mention on the side margin. Oh well. We'll see what GamePro says about you, our friend GoW2, when it hits newsstands February 12th. But we have a feeling your secret will still not be known and you still won't be at the dinner table. We'll set a plate for you anyway.

[Thanks, to everyone who sent this in]