
Tabula Rasa 'Blind Race' community event next weekend

MMO players are famous for the ability to come up with strange and often bewildering ideas for in-game events. Whether you're talking about naked gnome raids on Ironforge, naked races across a continent, or a large group punching a whole zone into submission ... while naked, MMOs and community events just go hand in hand. I suppose we shouldn't be surprised then to find that dinoroger on the Planet TR forums is trying to arrange a "Blind Race" on the Pegasus server for next Saturday.

The basic gist of it is that each team will be composed of two players, a racer and a coach. The racer will be instructed to turn off his monitor, and attempt to race through a series of objectives as quickly as possible. The coach will be tasked with guiding the racer using Ventrillo or any other voice chat program. Motor Assist Armor and five pumps in the sprint ability are heartily recommended. The event is just for fun, so there won't be any prizes for the winners beyond the requisite bragging rights, but it could be potentially amusing if enough players decide to take part. And who knows, maybe the weekend after that there'll be potato sack races!