
Gears of War 2 graces GamePro cover

With GDC less than two weeks away, the latest issue of GamePro magazine appears to have coverage of the as-yet-unannounced Gears of War 2. The cover of the March issue was recently unveiled, and while the featured story is Rainbow Six Vegas 2, the cover contains two references to coverage of the much-hinted but never confirmed Gears sequel.

Despite the twice-over placement on the front cover, the announcement of the issue makes no mention of any Gears of War coverage, leaving us a bit skeptical of what the Gears 2 content exactly is. An unconfirmed report from the NeoGAF forums indicates that the content is purely speculative, guessing at a release date and possible features like improved matchmaking.

Add this to the fact that legitimate Gear of War 2 info would be far more cover-worthy than Rainbow Six Vegas 2, and the likelihood is that the Gears placement on the front cover is nothing more than an attempt to sell more issues. We'll leave Gears 2 speculation to accidental slip-ups and Amazon pre-order pages, thankyouverymuch.

Update: Epic Games VP Mark Rein has confirmed our suspicions, telling Firing Squad that any preview article hinted at by Gamepro's cover would be "pure nonsense." Ouch!

[Via Eurogamer]