
On the topic of sheep in Warhammer Online

Over on West Karana you can find a very good post about her take on PvP in Warhammer Online. Whether or not you agree with it is beside the fact, because the read is just so absorbing. Of course we here at Massively have discussed the PvP subject once or twice. Still, Tipa's take is a very evocative way of expressing concern for people who may be going into WAR expecting an experience more akin to World of Warcraft -- only to complain later. There is something EA Mythic can do about this problem of sheep and wolves, but it won't be easy.

The analogy of Warhammer Online to sheep in an ever-shrinking pen, with slobbering wolves waiting just outside the gates is an interesting -- and slightly terrifying -- comparison.

EA Mythic has previously said WAR's zones will first focus on PvE, then slowly tip the balance towards PvP. However, they have also said it will be entirely possible to reach the endgame zones without participating in any PvP content. The concept seems designed to allow players to become as adept with their class as they like before going into a PvP conflict and subsequently getting stabbed in the face. At least giving them a opportunity to feel more familiar with their class should keep morale high enough for most people to stick it out in PvP and give it a chance.

So long as WAR becomes a game where players can have fun regardless of whether they're fighting other players or NPCs -- being a bit of a sheep shouldn't matter. Our hope is that EA Mythic gives players enough lessons in PvP along the way so that many of these possible "sheep" learn how to fight back. We can't see Warhammer Online becoming too successful if they don't figure that one out.