
Red Faction III headed to PS3

An overdue second sequel to the ahead-of-its-time Red Faction has been mentioned during a recent investor-focused conference call. THQ's CEO, Brian Farrell, explicitly stated that Red Faction III is in development for the PS3 by THQ's Volition Studios, the same developers who produced the first two games. The series has been on hiatus since Red Faction II was released in 2003.

The two first games utilised "Geo Mod" technology to allow players to damage the environment in realtime - something that's almost taken for granted nowadays but that was revolutionary back in 2001. We have great memories of creating cubby-holes and sniper points deep in the walls and waiting for an unsuspecting opponent to saunter past. Needless to say, we're psyched that Red Faction III is in development, despite the lack of any real details or even an official announcement.

[Via Joystiq]