
Warhammer's Josh Drescher clears up details on this round of beta invites

We previously reported on the erroneous emails from Warhammer Online's Beta Center, asking people who hadn't yet been invited to the beta to update their DxDiag file and consequently getting their hopes up. EA Mythic had already confirmed for these poor sods that they would need to wait for a real beta invite, but associate producer Josh Drescher has offered up a few more details about the situation on his personal site.

Drescher states that the receipt of the emails by those not already invited does not mean you have a greater or lesser chance from anyone else of getting in, does not mean that something is good or bad about your computer that will lead to you getting picked or avoided, and it doesn't mean that you've already been picked (although you could be, unrelated to the email).

Aside from just clearing things up for the email recipients, there are some other facts about the beta provided, and also not provided, by Drescher. Whilst he says that this round of invites went out to a lot of people that won contests and attended certain shows, he also says that not all of this group received invites this time around -- so if you fall into that category and haven't received your invite, fret not. He also confirms that this is not the "Guild Beta", but that this is still definitely coming.

On the stuff-he-can't-say front, he won't be able to tell us anything about how or when the next round of invites will occur, and he can't divulge details of the metrics used in choosing this (or any) round. To those going a little crazy waiting for their golden ticket, Drescher offers this comment: "No, it's NOT a vast conspiracy aimed at confusing or punishing you." Rest assured that with the beta applicant ticker on WAR's homepage reaching numbers in excess of 560,000, you're in good company. A final piece of advice from Drescher's post: check your email spam folder.