
Eight glorious minutes of Professor Layton

We're guessing that YouTuber wannabepunktony got lucky and grabbed himself an early copy of Professor Layton and the Curious Village from Wal-mart, three days before the game's official release.

wannabepunktony is no real punk, however. In fact, he's evidently a jolly conscientious chap, because instead of keeping Level 5's adventure game to himself (which is what we would do), he's generously filmed the first eight minutes of the game and stuck it up on YouTube, where we can all gaze at that quite lovely introduction sequence, while snickering quietly to ourselves at the "British" accents. Sir, you are our hero. At least until, y'know, we get the game ourselves.

See also: 2008's Biggest Blips -- Professor Layton and the Curious Village

[Via Go Nintendo]