
One Shots: Slaughter at the Lunar Festival

Today we have a wild screenshot from the Lunar Festival in World of Warcraft from Edward. (No character name given, but we know he's on Bronzebeard.) Apparently people were dragging Omen (the large two-headed dog) onto the lower-level players teleporting into Moonglade -- and having a great time watching Omen eat them. Here's what Edward had to say:

This was my first experience at the Lunar Festival in Moonglade. That's Omen coming down the path, raining one hit death on my poor Mage (not pictured). I'm on Bronzebeard, but I'm sure other servers looked similar. I wish I'd caught an earlier picture of the carnage. It was easily four times this many skeletons littering the ground. Fantastic.

Having been in similar situations where big nasty things ate our face, we can certainly sympathize. How about you? Do you have any screenshots of massive carnage and mayhem that you'd like to share with the rest of the world? Send those puppies (no pun intended) to us here at Your picture could be the next one we feature!
