
Activision: 08 brings Bond, Guitar Hero, Spider-Man

Activision's recent conference call had about as many surprises in it as a holiday gift from Grandma. After setting record sales in 2007, both confusing and otherwise, Activision revealed plans for new entries into the Guitar Hero, Spider-Man and Tony Hawk franchises in 2008 as well as their first attempt at the James Bond license, with an adaptation of the latest Bond film, Quantum of Solace, in the pipeline.

According to a report in Variety, gamers should mark their calendars for up to three Guitar Hero releases, two add-ons and Guitar Hero IV in the fall, two game adaptations of the Dreamworks film Kung Fu Panda and one for the upcoming Madagascar 2, and new sequels to Tony Hawk, Call of Duty, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Spider-Man and the aforementioned Bond game. In fact, we recommend you keep your 2007 calendars and simply change the 7's to 8's. It would just be easier.

[via Joystiq]