
Anarchy Online dev makes every NPC feel special

Content Designer/Writer for Anarchy Online -- Nina "Aythem" Sund -- has a new developer journal post up, covering NPCs within the world of Rubi-Ka. We really like that NPCs have personalized names taken mostly from the people working on AO, but also from other interesting places. One recent NPC was named "Heath Bridges" after Heath Ledger in light of his untimely death. It definitely gives players a good idea bout how much effort people put into the games they enjoy.

Of course there are always times when it isnt as easy to create names for her NPCs. Such as the case of Andre Bottle, given the first name of a coder and the last name of, well, a bottle. They can't all be winners, but then again Andre Bottle sure sounds like a nice guy to us.

Our favorite name is Scott Free, which is of course a play on words in the form of a name. Yeah -- that kind of humor works on us here at Massively, but only because we're incredibly humorful in nature.