
Havok 4 early adopters updated

Sidewinder Linden reports that Havok 4 early adopter simulators (all 435 of them) have been updated with a fresh code drop, fixing a tidy bundle of issues.

When it comes to bug-fixes per week, this has to be some kind of record for Linden Lab at the moment. We've never seen them put out so many fixes in such a short period of time as they have in the last couple of months.

Here's the list of changes in full:

  • DEV-9324: Avatars no longer fall through prim stages and floors with many avatars on a region and high physics load

  • DEV-9236: Altitude is now held consistently with flight assist at high altitudes

  • SVC-1089: Avatar inertia now maintained when jumping (fix basketball and other sports)

  • SVC-1073: llGetStartParameter() now returns real value, and not always zero

  • SVC-1146 and SVC-38: LSL scripting - llSetPrimitiveParams now behaves correctly when setting options on different sides. The solution implemented may affect existing scripts that rely on work-arounds for bugs in the old, pre-Havok4 behavior and we are looking for feedback on those cases. Please comment in those issues with specific parameter orders that you need but no longer work and include the needed results.

  • SVC-1301: Builds packaged with Rez-Foo now build correctly

  • DEV-5014: Spheres using "Dimple Begin" now collide correctly

  • DEV-8718: LSL scripting - llTargetOmega objects now spin correctly without being selected

  • DEV-9240: Create copy selected now generates gapless alignment to the adjacent object

  • DEV-9329: A few regions experienced physical objects being thrown off-world at startup with the beta simulator. Physical objects with certain internal problems will no longer be thrown off-world at startup.

  • DEV-9416: Increased distance that objects can be under the terrain before being thrown off-world

  • DEV-9643: Mega prim objects now link as they did on Second Life (some mega prim linkages were not working on the Havok4-based simulator that did work on the main Second Life system)

  • DEV-9774: llTargetOmega objects no longer stop spinning after you select them

  • DEV-9836: Avatar falling velocities are now correct

  • DEV-10003: Avatar now moves when pushed by attachment when on terrain

  • DEV-10015: Simulator no longer crashes when ray trace extends past edge of world

Linden Lab's Havok 4 early adopter program allows owners of private estates to enroll their simulators into a live beta of the new physics code. It's not guaranteed to not screw things up - but allows the code to be subjected to real loads, objects, scripts and avatars.