
In Soviet Russia, Mario moves you

We're very partial to this Moving Mario art display, made by Keith Lam. We have to admit -- part of our love comes from the fact that it reminds us of The Price Is Right's "Cliff Hanger" game (you know, the one with the yodeler?). Sure, that's a far stretch, but we can't help where the synapses in our brains lead.

Still, the main attraction of this display is the fact that it represents a side-scroller in its truest form. One where the player is the one moving, that is. Using a Famicom controller, the player moves the "television," and then follows along. All in all, it's a nice literal translation of "paper" Mario. Well done, Mr. Lam.

*Note: This display and post has actually nothing to do with Soviet Russia. We just couldn't resist the immature use of an internet meme. Forgive us.

[Via Engadget]