
DS Fit: Ubisoft announces My Weight Loss Coach

For those of you looking for a weight-loss alternative to methamphetamines, you can finally put down that needle -- Ubisoft has just the game for you! My Weight Loss Coach acts as both a fitness coach and nutritionist to help you trim those extra pounds. Pretty soon, you'll be able to slip into that old pair of daisy dukes that kept your telephone ringing all throughout your high school years.

The casual software will come bundled with a pedometer, an accessory which detects nearby sexual predators counts every step you take, similar to the Nike+iPod Sports Kit. The device plugs into your DS, presumably through the handheld's GBA slot, and keeps track of your progress, updating your personal profile. Based on the data it gathers, My Weight Loss Coach helps you balance your food intake and meet "landmark checkpoints." And it doesn't even give you meth mouth!

The stick-figure art direction is simple but charming, like a Don Hertzfeldt animation, perfect for a genre that doesn't really benefit from graphics that push the system's limits. Check our gallery below for 15 screenshots of the healthy title. My Weight Loss Coach isn't scheduled for release until this summer, but don't wait until then to get off the ice.
