
Medal of No-Online confirmed for Australia, refund available

At least it's good to know we didn't get all angried up for nothing: the online multiplayer functionality has, as rumored last week, been removed from the Australian release of Medal of Honor 2: Heroes. This omission clearly happened late in development, as the manual continues to describe online play. EA had no explanation for the excision of online play, leading us to conjecture that the cause is very personally embarrassing. Maybe someone on staff accidentally saved over the multiplayer code with a copy of some Mr. Belvedere fanfiction, for example.

IGN speculated that EA's Australian branch opted not to operate the local servers that would be necessary for online play. That sounds more plausible and less interesting than the Mr. Belvedere thing.

If you bought Heroes 2 expecting online, and are now outraged at the incompleteness of your game, you can return it to EA for a full refund.
