
Metareview: Assassin's Creed

Back when it was revealed, Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles seemed like some kind of joke. Surely, such a game could never come to be. Well, sure enough, it's arrived. And not that many critics have reviewed it, oddly enough. We do present some of the few who have, however.

Any of you pick the game up? Care to tell us what you think?

  • IGN (70/100) thought the game had some flaws, but was overall fun: "Altair's Chronicles definitely needed a couple more weeks of polishing up before Ubisoft's publishing date, but as a finished product it's a fun game for as long as it lasts."

  • Cheat Code Central (68/100) says it was almost a AAA companion to the console title: "Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles essentially represents an average handheld experience. It has about eight hours of gameplay that is very conducive to the pick-up-and-play experience. Most mobile gamers looking for a portable experience will probably enjoy the fun hack n' slash gameplay along with the fun mini-games. But as a fan of the original console version, I just feel that this game lacked a little of the prowess of its predecessor."

  • GameShark (58/100) thinks the game is just too short: "The game is short; you can easily complete it in an afternoon-even if you aren't a seasoned gamer. Without any other modes or options, the replay value is very short. It has its moments but it's a tough sell for $30. It's definitely worth a rental; especially if you have enjoyed the original game as it tells the story of how the characters got to that point, and frustrations and limitations aside, the time spent playing the game is enjoyable – it's just over way too soon."

See also: 2008 Blips - Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles