
Dojo update: The fine art of throwing eggs

Know what would make our morning here at the Fanboy Towers? A double dojo update, that's what. Know what could ruin yours? Spoilers. Both are after the break.

We'll get onto the second half of this update in a moment, but holy crap, how excellent does that stage above look? We've known since last year that Brawl will ship with a Stage Builder, but what we didn't know is that there's a slew of extra Stage Builder parts waiting to be unlocked, from rotating platforms to conveyor belts to springboards. They're not hard to access either (click here for the precise details); it's simply a matter of building a few stages and playing on them, which we'd have done anyway. Hurray!

Sakurai has also given us the lowdown on Yoshi's special moves, which include the lobbing of eggs (Yoshi has quite an attack range with these), and the swallowing of opponents before laying them down a big damn abyss.

Read: Yoshi: Special Moves
Read: Hidden Parts in Stage Builder