
Lots of info and goodies about Eternity's Child and its maker

We at Nintendo Wii Fanboy can't help but find Luc Bernard, creator of Eternity's Child, incredibly compelling. Let's look at the facts. For one, he's bringing a game to Wii Ware that has a beautiful art style, which will be priced at only $5. Bernard is also fond of pugs, which scores him automatic points in our book. To top it off, he wants to bring even more games to Wii Ware, including one he's titled Manufactured Beauty (concept art pictured above). Then, there's also the fact that he's made the orchestral soundtrack of Eternity's Child available for fans to listen to online.

If the artwork alone (understandably) isn't enough to get you pumped about this addition to Wii Ware, rest assured that Eternity's Child has other merits. Not only does the story deal with modern-day environmental and ethical issues, but it also introduces a creative fantasy world. According to Bernard, this makes the game like an "interactive fairy tale." While parallels can easily be drawn between its story and real life, the surface presents us with an interesting plot filled with unique characters and surrealist scenarios.

As for the gameplay, we don't know much aside from the inclusion of a point-and-shoot mechanic involving the Wiimote. Bernard sheds more candid details about himself and Eternity's Child in this Destructoid interview, though, which features some Q&A with the game's soundtrack composer as well.

We can't wait until more details emerge on this title (which, according to Bernard, is almost finished). Is anyone else looking forward to it?
