
Ninja Theory concept art hints at new game

What have Ninja Theory been up to since making Heavenly Sword? Good question. It looks like we'll be finding out fairly soon though, as their website has today undergone a sudden transformation. An annotated Flash banner can be found on several pages of the site, showing some environmental concept art, such as the image above. These paintings are about as far removed from Heavenly Sword as you can get, so those of you who are itchy for a sequel straight away might be disappointed.

The front page of the website states that "there are some teaser elements on this new look website...and don't forget, this website is the very best place to check regularly for updates and news...especially the forums." It also says that Ninja Theory are "working on an exciting new concept that has got everyone we talk to buzzing." From the sounds of it, whatever project they're working on isn't very far along. They've successfully to get us intrigued, however, so we'll be keeping an eye out for any news. Who knows, maybe something will be shown at GDC?