
Guildwatch: Ninja happens

I've been fortunate enough to have never seen a ninja go down live (as seen in the pic above), but I know it happens all the time. Master Looter, people! Of course, even then, if you pass off Master Looter to the wrong person, you're still going to see some trouble. And with the name changes and server transfers nowadays, you just kind of have to let it go. Ninja, as they might say, happens.

Click the link below to see this week's GW, which is full to the brim with drama and downed news. We've got recruiting news, too, but not as much as usual-- if you've got a tip for next week, from your guild or another, sent it along to And we'll ninja it right out from under you.


  • Congratulations are in order to Skylar, a priest in the Society of Dungeoneers on EU Moonglade. She picked up a legendary drop: a baby boy. We heard that efforts by the guild to get her to name the kid Thrall aren't working out so well. But nice try anyway, guys, and grats Skylar.

  • I have a feeling this one might have been anonymous tipped to us because of some bad blood, but we'll put it here anyway: Rumor has it that The Nameless on Moonrunner has turned down a merge offer with El Oh El. One of Nameless' members, we are told, apparently was abusing guild bank access and complaining that he was never able to go into Karazhan, so when the guild merge was denied, that member /gquit and headed over to El Oh El on his own.

  • These WoW-ized songs come from a few crazy folks on the Windrunner forums. Not sure what guild they come from, but if song lyrics rewritten to fit WoW are your thing, there you go.

  • We posted just a tidbit about Shafted on Baelgun last week, and members of the guild emailed to let us know that they had no idea who the "drunken officer" we were tipped about was. One of them said that they did have two guildies who left the guild saying that they "weren't fun anymore," but they both confirmed that the guild is hardly on its last legs -- looks like our tipsters were way off base. We also hear, from another tip, that Shafted recently refused to run Clannada Draconis through Karazhan any longer, since there were actual guildies that wanted to go along. To that, we only say to CD: get your own Karazhan run.

  • Ninja alert on Eitrigg: Hashbrownz. He's unrepentant, too-- he shows up in this other thread as "Steakhoof" bragging that he's still wearing the gear he ninja'ed. Rumor is that he's headed to Alleria next. Until Blizzard decides to start laying the smack down on ninjas ingame (and don't hold your breath on that one), gotta keep Master Looter set at all times.

  • The Bronze Kettle, which is apparently the guild from the folks at Bronze Kettle) has joined up with Death's Hand Dark Iron-A. They've just started in Kara, and they're recruiting level 65+ for raiding-- Attumen and Moroes down, Maiden on notice.

  • Another correction about our note on Pheonix Fury on Blackhand-H last week (someone in the guild emailed us himself): apparently Eiryz didn't get kicked, she and her boyfriend /gquit. And though the guild supposedly made allowances for them for a while, they were eventually just not able to take them raiding due to their not adhering to the guild's policies. They deny any vendetta on the part of the officers, but of course that's between Eiryz and Gabcynth and the officers themselves. At any rate, my advice is the same: if you've got a job that keeps you from attending raids all the time, find a new guild without a 75% attendance policy. Problem solved on both sides. Time to put this issue to rest, so thanks for playing the drama game, Pheonix Fury, and better luck next time.

  • Here's a little RP-PvP action: the folks on Venture Co. are organizing another RP-PvP campaign. The first one was called Shadows over Khaz Modan (and actually looks pretty interesting), and this latest is called The Fall of Legends.

  • An anonymous tipster from Ravencrest says that guild members of Revelation are shopping around for a new guild to join up with after the attunements drop after patch 2.4. Not only that but there are apparently multiple groups inside Revelation trying to jump ship, with one group even calling other members of the guild "untrustworthy." What's it mean when the rats start leaving the ship?


  • Requiem on Silvermoon-H downed Anetheron on their second night of trying, and they're also still seeking resto druids.

  • Mercenaries on Zuluhed-A sounds like a fun little guild of friends, and they've gotten all the way up to Prince in Karazhan. They also want me to say that a prot pally can tank anything, because apparently people haven't joined their guild because of the prot pally tank. You guys are lucky I haven't played my warrior in a while, otherwise I'd challenge you on that.

  • Revolution on EU Azjol-Nerub had an influx of raiders from Synergy and as a result dropped Kael'thas like he was hot. They even sent a video of it.

  • Recklessness (they didn't mention a server) has been through a lot in Kara, but now they've cleared up to Prince and they're working on a second group. "Worth every wipe," that's our motto here at GW.

  • The September Movement on Arathor-H one-shotted Curator, and cleared out Aran, Illhoof and Netherspite, too. Grats!

  • "Always drama-free" Vigilante Justice on Spinebreaker-H came home from church on Sunday and put down Prince. Kudos to them for the down, but calling yourself "drama-free," in my experience, is asking for trouble. But hey, good luck.

  • Sin on Durotan-A is rolling along-- they've dropped Tidewalker, Karathress, Solarian, Leo and Al'ar all in the space of a week or two. Vashj is on notice!

  • Singularities from EU Dentarg had their first taste of both Hyjal and Black Temple the past 2 weeks and have downed the 3 first bosses of each instance. Additionally, they're seeking extra healers to continue the bloodshed.

  • Unusual from Demon Soul has completely whipped Kael'thas' butt, and brought down Rage Winterchill as well. Archimonde and Illidian have reason to lock their (figurative) doors at night-- you never know when there might be a guild lurking around outside your instance.

  • Group 2.0 on Silvermoon got their first kill of Tidewalker and then downed Leo and then Karathress on our first night of serious attempts on both of them. Vashj is on notice.

  • Divide et Impera from EU Norgannon took down Terestian Illhoof, Netherspite and finally the Prince himself, all in their first Karazhan ID. Nightbane is on notice, and after that it's on to ZA!

  • Untouchables on EU Lightbringer-A managed to down both Hydross the Unstable and The Lurker Below over the past couple of weeks. Great progression!

  • Blood Knight Champions on EU Darkspear downed Curator on their first night on him. Last time around, they finished off Attumen and Maiden, and this week they're up to the Chess Event.

  • Raid Intentions (which is a meta-raiding guild on Malorne-A) took down Loot Reaver and Tidewalker. Al'ar is on notice (and they've got their eye on Karathress, too, but you only get one notice per week, folks).

  • Kiwi Raiders on Baelgun-A is proud to have completed their first full clear of Karazhan and finally walked into Zul'Aman for the first time, successfully killing Nalorakk. Grats!

  • Obsidia on EU Eonar is leading the server through the final progression-- they've taken down Kael, Vashj, rolled through Mount Hyjal and BT, and now have Illidan in their sights before patch 2.4.

  • Dreamscape on EU Draenor-H rolled into Karazan and one-shotted Attumen, Moroes, Maiden and Romeo and Juliet all in their first visit. Curator is on notice.

  • Meltdown on Hydraxis-A has downed Leotheras the Blind, and only has Fathom Lord left in SSC before taking on Vashj.

  • The Noble Europeans on EU Agamaggan-H downed Azgalor in Mount Hyjal. Rock on, guys.

  • Ascension of Blackwater Raiders-H has downed Kael'thas (Loot'thas?) for a server first! They're psyched to go into BT and Hyjal, so much so that they say: "For the Horde!" And rumor has it that Alliance guild Slow Motion whined about it in the forums, but unfortunately the thread got deleted.

  • Meta on Stormscale downed up through Kaz'Rogal in Hyjal. And I don't always include screenshots, but considering they dropped him on the 13th, this screenshot was too good to miss out on.

  • Vigilante Justice on Spinebreaker-H downed Prince this week, and they followed that up with a Nalorakk down later on. "Akil'zon," they say, "then proceeded to make us doubt our choice of hobbies, but still." I won't like: I lol'ed.

  • Delirium on Kirin Tor-A brought Vashj a box of chocolates on Valentine's Day, and though she didn't know what she was gonna get, they did: downed! KT is on notice, and grats to all the folks there who made it happen.

  • Dragonblight of Gnomeregan-A US has downed Kael'thas Sunstrider. "Onto Hyjal!" they triumphantly proclaim, before getting a little lost and having to ask directions from the big dragon in front of CoT. No, I'm just kidding; they know where it is.

  • Hallowed Valor on Eonar downed Loot Reaver and Hydross on back-to-back raid nights, and then Lurker right after that.

  • Forget Your Sanity (winner of this week's Best Guild Name award) on Rexxar took down Loot Reaver nd put Hydross on notice.

  • Beach Party of Malorne-A, downed Gruul this week, on the guild's first try. They're also recruiting a few more folks, too, so join up if you want to go with them.

  • Care Bears on Medivh-A, has just done it's first full clear of Kara all the way to the Prince, including Netherbane, and on their first guild attempt downed him.

  • Modus Operandi on Sentinels-A has downed Kael'thas, 3rd on the server and 2nd Alliance side. Grats!

  • Echoes of Azeroth on Thorium Brotherhood dropped Fathom-Lord Karathress and Leotheras the Blind in SSC to move the guild progression in SSC to 5/6, then went to take out Void Reaver and Al'ar and finished off the night with Solarian and an Alliance first on the server; a full clear of Zul'Aman. Nice job, that's quite a night.

  • Singularities of EU Dentarg are shooting through both Hyjal Summit and Black Temple and has already having downed the first 4 bosses of each instance during the past few weeks. They're also recruiting healers and maybe a mage.

  • Angry Penguins on Kargath-A downed Attumen on their first Kara guild run, and then took down Moroes then went on to Maiden, who didn't know what hit her. Nice.

  • Resurrected of Mok'nathal-A took down Archimonde. T6 FTW!

  • FortyTwo of Whisperwind took down Leotheras the Blind tonight. Tidewalker on notice!


  • Forsaken of Thrall (they're on Thrall-A, but I'm not sure if their name is "Forsaken of Thrall" or just "Forsaken") have downed HKM with help from their friends at Death From Above. They're still seeking mages and healers (and anyone else interested in raiding maturely) to fill out their 25-man group.

  • Slackers of the Horde is recruiting "lazy raiders" on Barthilas. They say they're casual but pro, and mature but crazy, which means lots of loot but no respeccing or DKP. Sounds fun.

  • Full of Wit on Shu'halo-A, is currently recruiting all levels. They're a relatively new and small guild, but are focused on teamwork and know that real life always comes first. They're seeking mature players who appreciate exploring the game together as one.

  • Crimson Blood Clan on Steamwheedle Cartel-H is currently recruiting for raiders geared for SSC/TK. They've just recently downed Mag and are currently working on Leotheras.

  • The First Responders on Lightning's Blade-H are looking for mature, friendly, and easygoing players for Heroic 5mans and eventually Karazhan and ZA. They're looking for healers and a mix of DPS.

  • Ashes from the Phoenix on Scarlet Crusade-A is searching for a few who are willing to continue their fight. They say that they "are in need of those who are willing to fight in the trenches (tanks) and spiritual leaders (healers) to continue our battles mainly however any and all shall be welcomed comrade in arms." Crazy roleplayers (I kid!).

  • Blades of Light on Sentinels is recruiting raiders (tanks and healers especially) for the transition to 25-man raids. They aren't a hardcore raiding guild, but they are serious about progression. And their GL is cool, because she reads this column. So she'll know exactly what to do when drama rears its ugly head.

That's it for this week's GW! If you sent something in the last day or so, but didn't see it go in, worry not -- we'll get it in next week. As always, send us your tips (anonymous as always) at Until next time, happy raiding!