
Community Content: Inside Looking Out Edition

Each week, X3F showcases the best in Halo 3 downloads with Community Content. To find out how to set up your account, click here. Submit your own ideas at: comcon [AT] xbox360fanboy [DOT] com

You didn't think that since we're covering all things Xbox 360 from GDC08 we'd forget about our new feature did you? This week's Community Content comes from a loyal soldier in the X3F Army. Based on the Forge-loving map Foundry, Abandoned is an intricate design of tight corridors and teleportation nodes. The poorly armored warehouse is a sought after piece of real estate in this, Team Slayer recommended, killtacular. The backstory of Abandoned? Medical supply trading company Ki-Tech's warehouse was abandoned after the war. Now Rival factions attempt to control it. Jump in now and see if you can take control of the warehouse.

Content Creator: StLouisRibs7734

Foundry (Heroic Pack Required)
Gametype: Slayer / Team Slayer (Map Default)
Players: 4-12

Rounds: 1
Time Limit: None
Score Limit: 25 (Slayer) / 50 (Team Slayer)

Abandoned is best described as the smallest fighting area surrounded by the most lethal. Essentially, two teams square off in a tiny warehouse that is comprised of an upper and lower section. The only way to go from the top floor of the warehouse to the bottom is through teleporters. Each section of the warehouse (2 on top, 2 on bottom) has a teleporter that sends players into a long narrow (made up of a long stretch of cargo containers) that leads to a teleporter to the the opposite floor of the warehouse. Confused?

Daunting to grasp in words, you'll be fighting in small areas and through tiny hallways moving from the top to the bottom of the map encountering enemies around each corner. For an easy to follow walkthrough of the teleporters in Abandoned, see our strategy guide below.

The warehouse of the map is small and poorly armed but escaping outside of the map (via Gravity Lift or Grenade Jump) will lead players to nearly every weapon, vehicle and piece of equipment available to aid in their quest of domination.

Kills: 1
Betrayal/Suicide: -1

Note: While this map does not have a dedicated variant attached, we suggest you keep your settings at default for maximum fun. While the guide below attempts to show you the intricacies of Abandoned, we think you should run around and get a feel for it before you schedule your next LAN/Live party.


Variant: N/A

Feel free to share your thoughts on this edition of Community Content in the comments. Have a submission? Send it to us with a brief description including recommended gametypes at: comcon [at] xbox360fanboy [DOT] com