
Size restrictions hurting Bionic Commando Rearmed XBLA release

Capcom can't catch a break with their XBLA line-up as yet another release seems to be suffering from the current 150MB size restriction. In an interview with 1UP, Bionic Commando Rearmed producer Ben Judd outlined issues the development team is having with getting the NES remake to fit onto the acceptable Microsoft limit. What does this mean for the XBLA version? Well, PS3 and PC versions of the upcoming remake may will have higher-resolution textures than their XBLA counterpart.

When asked about the situation Microsoft seemed surprised by Capcom's trouble, "We raised our limit to 150 megs, which seems pretty darn great," said Microsoft's corporate VP of Xbox Live John Schappert. "I don't think it has limited our games in any way. Look at Rez HD. Look at Poker Smash. Look at Undertow. These are very, very, very good games."

Schappert, however, remains optimistic that a solution is possible. "If we need to help them program their stuff, we have people on [XNA General Manager] Chris Satchell's team that fly around and help our dev teams out when they need it," Schappert explained. "[Capcom] knows someone's number at Xbox Live. I'm certainly willing to help them out."

At it's core (pun!) the XBLA size limit issue is centered around the Arcade SKU which does not include the removable hard drive. The size limit, originally 50MB, was standardized in order to respect Xbox 360 owners who only have storage via a memory unit. We wonder though, since memory units range up to 512MB why isn't this limit increasing to facilitate heavily anticipated XBLA titles?

Update: Clarified the statement from Ben Judd. Judd told 1UP that the XBLA version will in fact have lower-res textures than the PS3/PC versions.

[via 1UP]