
BBC confirms Motorstorm 2 and comments on mystery 2009 game

In an article entitled "PlayStation bounces back" BBC's editor of their online Technology news index, Darren Waters, reveals why he considers the PS3 to be back on track. Waters has been shown a few exciting projects behind closed doors, including a gameplay demo of Motorstorm 2. No longer set in a desert, the game will feature a "lush island environment, full of interactive vegetation." Not only that, but in response to numerous criticisms leveled at the original Motorstorm, the sequel will have four-player split screen. The game is due out in time for Christmas this year.

Waters was also shown a trailer for Resistance 2, another huge upcoming first party title, which he describes as "epic." We're looking forward to seeing the trailer for ourselves whenever it's released to the pubic. Finally, Waters teases about a game which isn't due out until 2009 and which is shrouded in complete secrecy. It seems to have left him impressed because he states that he "was left speechless. If the footage I was shown truly is 'in game,' as told to me by the Sony PR people, then we could be on the brink of a step change in what games consoles are capable of in terms of story-telling and immersion."

Anyone else got goosebumps right now? It sounds like Sony have got some exciting stuff on the horizon for us. Judging from GDC, however, we need to remain patient for just a little bit more before we become privy to their plans.