
DS Daily: Super Vehicle NDS

One of the most significant discoveries for the DS at GDC this year was Metal Slug 7, a completely unexpected and delightful surprise to walk into. For a brief moment, all of the rushing around, missed meals, long lines, thick crowds and general weariness gave way to a beautiful, blissful reverie of, well, shooting and knifing dudes.

Early screenshots were less-than-promising (we've got the same screenshots in our gallery now, in a more flattering resolution), but we can now confirm that, like every recent game, it just looks better in motion. It doesn't look as totally beautiful as the Neo-Geo or Atomiswave games, but this is every bit a real Metal Slug sequel.

Did you have faith in Metal Slug 7, or were the disappointing screenshots and SNK silence enough to put you off? Did you believe that a non-arcade, non-Neo Metal Slug could be any good? Did the amazing Contra 4 help?
