
Dojo update: 100%

Fancy some quick tips on how to complete -- and by that we mean fully, 100% complete -- The Subspace Emissary? Hit the break!

Today's dojo update is for all you anally retentive completists out there, in that it features tips on how to achieve a 100% completion score on Brawl's adventure mode, The Subspace Emissary.

In a nutshell, this involves:

  1. Opening every door.

  2. Grabbing every item-filled orange cube.

  3. Acquiring every character trophy.

  4. Clearing every stage.

You'll know how you're doing, as there's a handy percentage counter on screen at all times, monitoring your progress. We suspect the rest of us will just rush through, settle for 70%, and get back to multiplayer.
