
There'll be enough Wii Wheels for EVERYBODY!

Everybody who cares, that is. Okay, maybe that's a little harsh. But having had previous experience with other Wiimote clip-ons, yours truly has yet to be sold on the Wii Wheel that will come with every copy of Mario Kart Wii.

Some of you might think differently however, and that's fine! In fact, Nintendo totally has you pro-Wii Wheel people in mind, because it'll be selling spare Wii Wheels (Wiils?) in Japan from April 11th, just one day after Mario Kart Wii launches. At ¥1,200 (around $11), it shouldn't be too pricey to equip friends and family for the sweaty-palmed, marathon multiplayer sessions that lie ahead. We suspect there's a fat profit to be made from these, so we're expecting to see them in the west at some point.

[Via Siliconera]