
GuildCafe announces Guild Wars tourney

The folks at GuildCafe dropped us a note about the announcement of their upcoming Guild Wars tournament -- starting on April 5th, the next neck of the 2008 RAWR Cup will kick off, offering up events in three divisions with lots of cool prizes for each (the best they could come up with is network cards and mice? Cash, anyone?). There's more information on the FAQ page, but I can't seem to find anywhere that explains just what's happening; being that it's Guild Wars, however, my guess is that they just toss a bunch of folks in an area and whoever's left standing gets to walk away with the prizes. Sounds simple (and fun) enough.

Only a couple of teams have signed up so far, so the field is wide open at this point. If your guild rocks the GW (don't call it that), then maybe you too can own some noobs and pick up some extra gear for your trouble.