
Aussie Guitar Hero III replacement process begins

Guitar Hero III owners is Australia can soon join their North American brethren in getting replacement discs from Activision. In case you've somehow missed the Guitar Hero Wii saga, copies of the game have been found to lack Dolby Pro Logic II, meaning that it won't play in stereo or surround sound.

If you folks in Australia are tired of having your game sound like crap, though, you'll finally have a chance to get your new disc. Taking a different approach than what we've seen here in the U.S., you won't even have to send in your glitched disc; just report your troubles by phone to Activision's tech support and they'll send you an improved copy, with no swap necessary.

There is a slight catch, though (isn't there always?). Calling Activision to claim your new disc will cost you an irritating $2.95 Australian dollars per minute. NextGEN Gamers, however, was nice enough to post the company's LAN line in Sydney, which is (02) 9869 0955.

As for you European folks afflicted by the same Guitar Hero woes, you're unfortunately still stuck with mono sound for now. We'll be sure to let you know, though, when Europe gets on the replacement disc bandwagon.

[Via GoNintendo]