
US Air Force looking to purchase 300 PS3s for cell processor assessment

What could the US Air Force need 300 PS3s for? Military training via Warhawk? Maybe they want to give the troops some recreational games -- some echochrome perhaps? Nope, none of the above. Instead, the USAF will be using the 300 40GB PS3 consoles to conduct a "technology assessment of certain cell processors."

Apparently, the PS3 is perfect for the Air Force's research as it's the only hardware on the market that utilizes the specific cell processor characteristics they'll be needing, and it comes at a reasonable price. While we could think of multiple conspiracy theories about this research, we think we'll stay quiet and leave the speculations to you. Besides, right now we've got to tell the USAF that those 40GB PS3s won't be coming with four USB ports and Memory Stick slots like they have listed on the solicitation document. That is ... unless the military is getting a new 40GB model we've never heard about? Highly doubt that one.

[Thanks Schoolimangooli! Via Digg]