
Another Week in Japan: Hardware and software numbers 2/25-3/2

The DS dropped to third in last week's hardware sales, as the PSP inched its way to first. (In case you haven't been keeping track, Wii sales have been above those of the DS for quite some time, but the PSP and DS keep flip-flopping for the week's best selling portable.)


  • PSP: 73,706

  • Wii: 64,535

  • Nintendo DS: 51,922

  • PlayStation 3: 13,520

  • PlayStation 2: 10,986

  • Xbox 360: 2,282

In the software chart, though, Nintendo's portable dominated once again. There were fourteen DS games to hit the top thirty last week, three of which made the top ten. Most of note is the new release Soma Bringer, a game that many of us outside of Japan have been coveting. It debuted in fourth, and was the top seller for the dual-screened handheld last week.

Meanwhile, Professor Layton 2 and Animal Crossing slipped back into the top thirty, while Harvest Moon and Etrian Odyssey II managed to remain in the top ten. Check after the break to see a whole lot of DS games in boldface.


  1. Gundam Musou Special (PS2) --- 149,846 (New)

  2. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii) --- 67,007 (1,358,000)

  3. Wii Fit (Wii) --- 64,429 (1,610,000)

  4. Soma Bringer (DS) --- 50,844 (New)

  5. The Idolm@ster: Live for You! (Xbox 360) --- 43,697 (New)

  6. Etrian Odyssey II: The Royal Grail (DS) --- 24,664 (94,000)

  7. Musou Orochi (PSP) --- 24,350 (71,000)

  8. Harvest Moon: Shining Sun and Friends (DS) --- 22,213 (67,000)

  9. Wii Sports (Wii) --- 21,140 (2,820,000)

  10. Winning Eleven: Play Maker 2008 (Wii) --- 16,918 (53,000)

  11. Keroro Gunsou 3: Adventure in theSky! (DS)

  12. Family Ski (Wii)

  13. Wii Play (Wii)

  14. Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (DS)

  15. Jirou Akagawa Mystery: Nocturne: The Invited Killer (DS)

  16. Monster Hunter Portable 2nd (PSP)

  17. Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (PS3)

  18. Mario Party DS (DS)

  19. Mario Kart DS (DS)

  20. Taiko Drum Master DS (DS)

  21. New Super Mario Bros. (DS)

  22. Final Approach 2: 1st Priority (PS2)

  23. Devil May Cry 4 (PS3)

  24. Mobile Suit Gundam: Gihren's Ambition, the Axis' Threat (PSP)

  25. Winning Eleven: Ubiquitous Evolution 2008 (PSP)

  26. Tokimeki Memorial: Girl's Side 2nd Season (DS)

  27. Poison Pink (PS2)

  28. Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

  29. Professor Layton and Pandora's Box (DS)

  30. Naruto: Shippuuden Dairansen! Kage Bunshin Emaki (DS)

[Via NeoGAF]