
Wii Warm Up: Hype train wreck

Maybe we're just anti-establishment by nature, but sometimes hype works on us and sometimes it doesn't. Occasionally, when people won't stop talking about how cool something is or will be, we're inclined to like it less. I was doing my best to be in the too-cool-for-Brawl camp until the promise of online play (and an actual play session) convinced me that maybe I should give up my practiced aloofness in favor of fun times.

But other people are a lot cooler than me, and therefore I assume that there are some of you out there who are still doing their best to vocally not like this popular game. Of course, now that the game's out, it's the perfect time to start a backlash! Anyone else out there cold on Brawl just because it's too popular, and too frequently discussed (even right now)?

If not, why not enjoy a little poseur spirit and pretend to be too cool for Smash Bros. in the comments? Sincerity is for mainstream blogs.