
Questions about Conan's crafting system answered

Age of Conan site AoCMMO recently published an interview with Funcom's Community Manager, Shannon Drake. The questions were all about the game's crafting system. Yes, Age of Conan has a crafting system! It just hasn't been as touted as other features like mounted combat and bare breasts.

We were happy to read that crafting items will get their own special tab in your inventory, so that being bogged down by gathered resources will never stop you from going out and lopping some heads off. That's nice!

Little perks like that aside, though, some hardcore MMO crafting enthusiasts are worried that AoC's crafting will be little more than average. A couple of AoCMMO's questions gave Funcom a chance to alleviate those fears. It didn't really take it; the system sounds just like those in games like World of Warcraft and The Lord of the Rings Online. So there won't be any reinventing of the wheel (or rather, how you make a wheel from mob drops), but at least the application of crafting will be fresh, what with the city building and all. Ah, well; not every one wants a "hammering the bubbles out of your molten iron" mechanic, as Drake so excellently put it.