
Frontline tactics and the midline shutdown in Guild Wars PvP's Guild Wars has a rich and satisfying Player vs. Environment experience, but the Player vs. Player component of the game is really the title's core. The official game site regularly releases what they call 'State of the Game' articles; snapshots of the game's play experience at the time the article is written. Their most recent articles are all about thinking tactically in the game's PvP arenas.

A post from early this year concerns frontline coordination, giving hints for ways in which Warriors and other melee classes can keep the pointy end of the sword pointed in the right direction. Their two more recent articles are about a subject they call 'the Midline shutdown'. If the frontline keeps the opponents occupied and the back row keeps the party alive, it's the job of the midline to keep the other party disrupted and ineffective. They have suggestions on how to accomplish this task with a Ranger (with skirmishing and condition spam). They also explore shutdown possibilities with a Mesmer, a possibility that I imagine most PvP teams find a bit disconcerting.