
Dead Head Fred writers give some insight into writing for games

When people start talking about the voices in their head, that's normally the time when we scour the room for the nearest exit, but David Ellis is the exception to the rule as he gives some delicious insight into writing for Dead Head Fred. The game was nominated for, and won, the first Writer's Guild of America award for Video Game writing. Those of you who have played the game will know how much it deserved the award - Dead Head Fred is hilarious.

For some intriguing behind-the-scenes talk about Dead Head Fred's script, check out Gamezone's interview with David Ellis and Adam Cogan, where they discuss, among other things, their roles within the game. There's also some talk about how the development studio, Vicious Cycle, came about as a result of the truly tragic cancellation of X-Com: Genesis. There are still nights when we cry ourselves to sleep over that game's fate.