
Charlie Rose saves MacBook Air, sacrifices face

Imagine walking down the street with The World's Thinnest Laptop. You stumble, and in an instant you're pavement-bound. Instinctively, you grab the laptop in an effort to keep it safe, and you do a graceless faceplant on the sidewalk. Ouch.

Now imagine you're a television personality in that same situation; a person who makes his living, in part, by inviting millions of people to stare at his face. Do you make the same sacrifice?

PBS interviewer Charlie Rose answers with a hearty "Hell, yes!" Yesterday, his show's producers report, he was tripped up while walking in Manhattan, MacBook Air in hand. He instinctively saved the Air ... and took one for the team, as it were. Later that night he could be seen on his show, bandaged and bruised like a pro boxer after a 12-round bout.

It reminds me of the time I nearly killed myself trying to save a falling iPod. We're glad you're OK, Charlie -- and we award you the Official TUAW Icepack for valiant defense of falling hardware.

Now for the fun part. You'll notice Chuck's thought balloon is empty. Suggest your quote in the comments, and we'll post our favorite tomorrow. Be nice, stay on topic and be funny. Now, show us what you got!

[via TechCrunch]